Today, I ventured into the heart of Iriomote Island to conduct a water quality test in some of the island’s most beautiful spots.

We started by kayaking up Maera River, surrounded by lush greenery. Our first stop was the stunning Maera Waterfall, where we tested both the water in the plunge pool and at the top of the falls. The clarity was incredible, and the cool, refreshing water was a perfect escape from the heat.

Next, we moved on to the mesmerizing Mayarock Falls, another pristine location where we conducted tests in the plunge pool. The water here was crystal clear, just like at Maera Falls, reminding us how pure and unspoiled nature still is on Iriomote.

Lastly, we checked the water at Modama Pond.While the towering Modama trees didn’t dominate the landscape here, the pond itself was serene and clear, reflecting the surrounding nature like a mirror.

Conducting these tests reminded me of how vital it is to protect these precious ecosystems. Iriomote Island’s waters are a treasure, and preserving them is key to maintaining the balance of this breathtaking environment. 🌿✨

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